March 24, 2025
CATTLE SALABLE: 375 Last Sale:205 $5-10m Higher on the Stockers and Feeders and $5 Higher on the Staughter Cows and Bulls at Famoso Monday. Top Slaughter Cow: this week "$159.00", with higher yielding kinds.mostly $140-150.00. Top Slaughter Bull this week "$160.00" with the higher yielding kinds mostly $145.-150.00 . Stockers: Terrific demand for quality stockers, especially the quality weaned ones with 1- 2 set of respiratory shots. Feeders: Good demand for quality yrlns. Pairs: Record Prices mostly $3700-3850.00 4-7 yrs old big calves at side. The Fed Cattle Market: traded at $210.00 MONDAY! Justin